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Wall and Window Vinyl Graphics

ScannerIn working and leisure environments, walls and windows can either be dull or uninspiring or an opportunity to create interest and atmosphere. Vinyl graphics , printed or plain are a cost effect way to make significant changes to the look and feel of all environments.

Building site hoardings

A building site hoarding is a temporary wall, built around a workplace to prevent debris and materials blocking pedestrian routes. With the aid of printed vinyl graphics these are used to great effect to showcase the new development and advertise other projects. Printed vinyl graphics can also be used to display safety notices, indicate entrances, and make an otherwise boring wall look interesting.

Office walls and windows

With the addition of vinyl graphics, dull offices can become better places in which to work.
Frosted printed vinyl graphics on office windows can create a private space, without blocking the light. Printed Contravision window graphics will take this one stage further by allowing the people on the inside to see out clearly, while passers by will not be able to see in. Unmarked glass doors and windows are potentially dangerous. Vinyl logos or stripes should be applied to all large areas of glass to stop people walking into them accidentally.
Likewise, office walls can be transformed by printed vinyl graphics of scenery, artworks, repeating patterns or anything else you can imagine.


Graphics of one type or another have always been used in show windows and backdrops to displays. Luckily vinyl graphics can be easily removed making it quick and easy to advertise a new stock range, a sale or a special event. As shops are being refitted or changing occupants, vinyl graphics on the windows can hide the ongoing works or advertise details of the new business.

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